Archive for December 2013

Often times a few lines of bash script can go a long way. I have been using the following few lines and its variations for many years, and saved me a lot of time last week while trying to address a task I needed to perform in high volume. All it does, it reads comma-separated values from an input file, and performs operations to address task(s). I believe when there is a task that is being repeated more than once, the task needs to be automated. Besides, I have never been a typing wiz. In the example below, I have a simplified script (skeleton) to read any value(s) from input file and perform a task to echo the values read in from an input file. This input is read in as an argument to the script.

# Takes param1 and param2 from file
# csv file:
# Set variables

[ ! -f $INPUT_FILE ] && { echo "$INPUT_FILE file not found"; exit 1; }
while read dbhost dbname
echo "DB Host : ${dbhost} DB Name : ${dbname}"
# Do parametrized command here
# Add login for processing below....

# Conclude your processing and add error handling as needed
echo "Task complete for ${dbhost}"
done < $INPUT_FILE

exit 0

Paste the above into a script, set the file permission to be executable and have fun.

chmod +x
./ input.csv

If you are a Linux sysadmin or sysadmin "wannabe", dba or just a software developer .. or just tired of typing and want do to things on scale, this simple script will save you a lot of time!